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Weekend Workshop: Hit every PokéStop in town with this DIY bike phone mount

weekend workshop diy bicycle phone mount

Need something to keep you busy this weekend? Look no further. The Weekend Workshop is our weekly column where we showcase a badass DIY project that you can complete with minimal skills and expertise. We’ve dug through all the online tutorials on the web, and gone the extra mile to pinpoint projects that are equal parts easy, affordable, and fun. So put on your work pants, grab your tool belt, and head to the garage. It’s time to start building!

Niantic’s Nintendo team-up, Pokémon Go, is a bona fide hit these days as scores of digital Pokémon hunters have quickly fallen in love with scouring their cities in hopes of finding a creature or two. While its time in the hands of users hasn’t been entirely positive, there’s no denying the fact the augmented reality-based game has been a boon for increasing the physical activity of gamers (mostly) the world over. Be it a simple stroll through their neighborhood or a city-spanning bike ride, people are going outside to get their Pokémon Go on in droves.

Though going for a walk presents few, if any, issues, shoving your face into a smartphone while riding a bike is a disaster waiting to happen — from a nasty crash to a busted phone, the options are many and none are any good. Because of this, a savvy DIYer at Instructables named Mr Prototype devised an incredibly ingenious way to make sure your precious smartphone remains safe and sound while pedaling on your favorite bike.


A novel invention, no doubt, but perhaps its greatest success is the fact it only requires an old bicycle bottle cage, a bottle of electrical adhesive, a couple elastic bands, and a hack saw. Plain and simple. So, to help you get started on this innovative bicycle smartphone mount, we’ve gone ahead and sifted through the walkthrough to find an exact build list. Keep in mind that when using a tool like a hack saw, protective gloves and eyewear are recommended, as well as a general understanding of how to use one. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:


  1. Hack saw
  2. Electrical adhesive


  1. Bicycle water bottle cage
  2. Large elastic bands (2)
  3. Cable ties

With the necessary tools and materials gathered, it’s now time to start putting some elbow grease into building this DIY bicycle phone mount. Simply follow Mr Prototype’s comprehensive Instructables walkthrough and before long, nothing will hold you back from exploring your town via bike and finding all those elusive Pokémon. Happy building!

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