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You can enroll in thousands of online classes for $14 each with this pre-Black Friday deal

Black Friday is just around the corner.  
While there are some items you might have to camp out for in order to snag the best deals,Udemy is offering Black Friday prices on thousands of online courses a week early, with no requirement of standing in line or elbowing through crowds.
If you've wanted to learn a foreign language, master coding, or simply improve your writing and photography skills, there's a class for you here, and it's available for just $10.
If any of the courses below appeal to you, it's a great time to invest; they're as cheap as they'll ever be.
There are just 15 listed here, but remember, there are thousands more you can also buy for $10 at Udemy through November 25. Prices will inflate by $1 every other day at midnight through Black Friday, when they'll be $15.

"An Entire MBA in 1 Course"

"An Entire MBA in 1 Course"
A former Goldman Sachs employee has taken the lessons he's taught at universities in the past and condensed them into one course that he describes as "an entire MBA."

Students will learn about macro and micro economics, how to value companies, and the basics of how investment banks and management consulting firms work. In addition to the nuts and bolts, instructor Chris Haroun aims to teach his students about the importance of personal connections and professional presentation — how to identify and pitch venture capitalists and communicate your ideas clearly and concisely.
Price: $14 $200 [95% off]

"Become a Web Developer from Scratch"

"Become a Web Developer from Scratch"
This course is a great pick if you’re looking for an all-in-one entryway into web development. Instructor Victor Bastos starts with the essentials, explaining HTML and how to make a page of text out of code. From there, Bastos takes students through web technologies of all sorts that are necessary to create and manage web pages; the basics of both front-end languages such as JavaScript and back-end tools such as PHP and MySQL will also be taught.
Price: $14 $120 [92% off]

"Complete Python Bootcamp"

"Complete Python Bootcamp"
Python is one of the simpler coding languages to learn, as it places less of an emphasis on syntax than other languages. It can also serve as a stepping stone toward learning other languages, such as C++ and Javascript. By the end of the course, students should have a comfortable working knowledge of Python and the ability to apply it to developing applications.
Price: $14 $195 [95% off]

"Writing With Flair: How To Become An Exceptional Writer"

"Writing With Flair: How To Become An Exceptional Writer"
Writing is an essential skill regardless of your industry. Whether you're an aspiring editor or simply want to add a little more nuance to the emails you send out every day, this course will teach you the tips and tricks used by professional writers to keep their work clear and concise.
Price: $14 $175 [94% off]

"Building a Personal Brand by Gary Vaynerchuk"

"Building a Personal Brand by Gary Vaynerchuk"
In many industries, creating a strong personal brand to showcase on social media is integral to catapulting your career forward. Instructor Gary Vaynerchuk is a three-time New York Times best-selling author and has his own media company, so you can bet his course is full of sage advice.
Price: $14 $100 [90% off]

"Learn to Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Developer"

"Learn to Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Developer"
Learn how to code real games step-by-step using Unity 3D. Even if you've never coded a line in your life, this course takes you through the process of getting a game from conception to completion. Instead of learning lengthy lectures on lines of code, you'll learn by doing — and creating real indie games along the way. The perfect class for anyone who wants to make the next "Pokémon GO!"
Price: $14 $195 [95% off]

"The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course - Build 21 Apps"

"The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course - Build 21 Apps"
You instantly make yourself more marketable and valuable to employers if you know how to develop an app. Even if you have no prior experience, this comprehensive course will teach you how to work with Xcode 8 & Swift 3 and build 21 iOS apps. More than 25,000 students have already enrolled in the course, and it has an average rating of 4.7/5 stars.
Price: $14 $200 [95% off]

"JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts"

"JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts"
Understanding JavaScript could help land you a coveted job, or simply make you a more valuable employee at your current job. This course aims to take you "under the hood" of JavaScript and provide clarity to the aspects of the programming language that often cause issues, even for experienced coders.

The course is taught by Anthony Alicea — a software developer, architect, and UX Designer — and it comes with tons of interactive material, including 85 lectures and more than 11 hours of video training. By the course's end, you should understand the inner-workings of Javascript, know how to build your own Javascript framework or library, fully master key concepts, and much more.
Price: $14 $175 [94% off]


"Become a SpeedDemon: Productivity Tricks to Have More Time"

"Become a SpeedDemon: Productivity Tricks to Have More Time"
A great course for those who have been trying to fit more into their day. It teaches you a series of techniques — such as smart scheduling, multitasking, and automating regular activities — so you can do more in less time. The course is instructed by Jonathan Levi, an entrepreneur and lifehacker who started his first million-dollar business before he even started his undergraduate degree.
Price: $14 $95 [89% off]

"Photography Masterclass: Your Complete Guide to Photography"

"Photography Masterclass: Your Complete Guide to Photography"
Turn your photography hobby into a side business as a freelancer by learning advanced techniques in every aspect of the art, from shooting to editing. This course is designed for aspiring photographers of all experience levels, whether you fancy yourself an Instagram expert or have just started getting the hang of your Holga. Nearly 43,000 students have already enrolled in the course, and it has an average rating of 4.5/5 stars.
Price: $14 $200 [95% off]

"Career Hacking: Résumé, LinkedIn, Interviewing, and More"

"Career Hacking: Résumé, LinkedIn, Interviewing, and More"
It's very difficult to land a lucrative job or climb the corporate ladder without efficiently networking, building a strong résumé and cover letter, and understanding the intricacies of the interview process. This course covers everything from preparing for the interview, to writing keyword-rich and targeted résumés, to even mastering the art of small talk.
Price: $14 $75 [87% off]

"Mini Habit Mastery: The Scientific Way To Change Your Habits"

"Mini Habit Mastery: The Scientific Way To Change Your Habits"
This course is designed to teach you how to replace your bad habits with healthier ones through cutting-edge neuroscience as well as some tried-and-true techniques. 
Price: $14 $150 [93% off]

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