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How to cancel/Delete your AdSense account

To permanently cancel your AdSense account, you must be an account Administrator. Upon cancellation, you'll receive your final payment within approximately 90 days of the end of the month, provided that your account balance is greater than the cancellation threshold. Note that Google will not make payments for any earned balance that does not reach this threshold.

If you’d just like to temporarily suspend your participation in the AdSense program, you can do so at any time by removing the ad code from your pages. Your account will remain accessible should you decide to use AdSense again in the future.

Before you permanently cancel your account, please be aware of the following:
To permanently cancel your account:
  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click Settings.
  3. In the "Account information" section, click cancel account.
  4. When you receive your cancellation email, click on the link to complete the cancellation process.
    On the “Account cancellation” page, a message is displayed telling you that your account has been successfully cancelled. Any remaining account Administrators will then be notified that the AdSense account associated with their Google Account has been cancelled.
If you'd like to participate in AdSense again in the future, you'll need to submit a new application using an email address that's not associated with any previous AdSense account.

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