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How to See the Posts You’ve Liked on Instagram

It’s really easy to like a photo on Instagram. You just double-tap on it as you scroll through your feed. I probably like at least a few photos every time I open the app.
What you might not know, though, is that Instagram keeps track of the photos you like. There’s even a way to go back and see them. It’s limited to the 300 most recent photos but, if you’re looking for some photo inspiration or just trying to track down a specific photo you remember from a few weeks back, it’s a handy tool. Here’s how to do it.
Open Instagram and head to your profile page. In the top right corner, tap the Settings icon.
Next, tap Posts That You’ve Liked. This will bring up the 300 photos you liked most recently.
Scroll through them to find the photo you were looking for or just some cool images that you know you like.

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